A while back, I posted a list of 23 websites and blogs that make your writing stronger.
The post was, and still is, a favourite with readers.
Since writing the list, I’ve subscribed to a number of other sites that continue to help me in my writing journey. They cover fiction, freelance writing, blogging, publishing, and more.
(***By the way, have you seen this amazing online creative writing course, “Story Is a State of Mind,” created by Giller finalist Sarah Selecky? “Story Is a State of Mind” has not only strengthened my writing immensely, but completely transformed my process. Take a look at my review—there are free bonus gifts!***)
If you want to learn more about writing or enhance your natural strengths, check out the following resources (in no particular order.)
PS If you find this list useful, please share it on Twitter, Facebook or StumbleUpon – I’d really appreciate it!
Write for Your Life: Copywriter Iain Broome, whose first novel has found literary representation, provides information on all types of writing, and includes regular videos and podcasts.
Chip MacGregor.com: Literary agent Chip MacGregor has experience in both the general and Christian book markets. His blog helps writers improve their craft and get published.
The Urban Muse: Susan Johnston is a freelance writer who shares her experience writing for money in bite-sized articles.
Glass Cases: Sarah LaPolla works as an associate literary agent at
Curtis Brown Ltd. She posts excerpts and short stories by upcoming writers, and gives advice to writers on various aspects of craft and business.
Ask Daphne: From her about blurb: “[S]uperagent Daphne Unfeasible blogs about books and authors, answers your questions, and talks about publishing industry gossip.” She also deconstructs queries.
Miss Snark’s First Victim: You’ve hard of the legendary
Miss Snark. Well, apparently this mysterious blogger was her fist victim. She critiques excerpts and queries, and offers regular writing contests.
Show Some Character: Freelance editor Jason Black has a cool niche blog which mostly discusses how to develop characterization in your fiction.
The Public Query Slushpile: If you want to have your query letter torn apart and reconstructed by a group of peers, head over to this site.
The Creative Penn: Joanna Penn, a writer, speaker, and business consultant, offers tons of great resources on writing, self-publishing, and promotion.
BookEnds LLC: Agents Jessica Faust and Kim Lionetti blog about query letters, finding agents, improving your writing, and publishing. Check out the list of must-read posts in their
Wordplay: Indie author K.M. Weiland helps fiction writers hone their craft through helpful articles and videos.
The Divining Wand: This blog features advice and experience from a host of published authors. Interviews and Q&A are an integral part of the site.
BubbleCow: Copyeditor Gary Smailes aims to help writers get published with his blog on the publishing business.
Remember to check out my original list at 23 websites and blogs that make your writing stronger. Do you have any favourite websites or blogs that make your writing stronger? Are there other great resources you can recommend?