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Earnings Policy

In regards to links, promotions, and any other recommendations I make on Write It Sideways, I want to be completely transparent with you.

Some of the articles I post will contain affiliate links. If you click on those links and make a purchase, I will be probably be paid a (small!) commission.

You can rest assured that anything I specifically recommend in my articles will first be read, tried, or encountered by me personally. I will not recommend what I do not know and believe in.

One exception for affiliate links: I will often link to books on Amazon if titles arise in articles, or where books are recommended by authors I interview. These links enable you to check out the book on Amazon, and if you do end up buying it, I’ll receive a very small commission. In these cases, you should not assume that I have specifically endorsed a book or its content.

Some other links, like Google ads for example, are usually shown automatically, so I have a little less control over them. But, over time, Google’s ads will generate enough $ to pay for a year or two of my web hosting costs so at this stage I’ll stick with them.

If you do notice anything inappropriate, or you are not sure about any links shown, please contact me immediately.

Above all, please complete your own due diligence before you buy and never spend your hard earned money on a product you either cannot afford or do not intend to use!

Thank you,


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