You’ve done it.
After months–maybe years–of blood, sweat and tears, you’ve finally finished the first draft of your manuscript.
You experience a fleeting moment of unparalleled relief and self-satisfaction. Then you sit back and ask yourself, “Now what?”
It’s unlikely your first draft is anywhere near the standard needed to catch an editor’s eye, or to have any chance at being published.
What you need now is a manuscript makeover — an Extreme Manuscript Makeover.
Making over the first draft of your manuscript is something like being made-over for a blind date.
You begin as an unpolished gem–a little dusty, waiting to be discovered. With careful planning and some elbow grease, you start to see the potential. Finally you emerge, a masterpiece ready to meet your dreamy future companion.
Just one caveat: when it comes to blind dates, first impressions are everything. You have only one chance to make yourself adored, or risk being rejected.
Submitting a manuscript to a publisher is no different. First impressions are key, and you’ll likely have only one chance at acceptance.
Sounds daunting, doesn’t it?
The truth is, yes it is daunting, but only if you take the journey on your own.
Let me help you transform your manuscript from frumpy to fabulous with my upcoming series, Extreme Manuscript Makeover.
You will identify your manuscript’s flaws and build on its strengths. With some effort and a dose of support, you’ll prepare your work to be loved and respected by agents and editors.
I’m excited to take this journey with you, so make sure you return for Extreme Manuscript Makeover: Bare It All. You’ll closely examine the first draft of your book and discover key strategies for implementing your extreme manuscript makeover.
Don’t miss these valuable tips: read Bare It All now!