I’m so excited today to be able to share with you this 30-minute video session with book coach Jennie Nash, and to be part of a special offer she’s extending to readers of Write It Sideways: a free week’s trial of her new book-coaching program, Author Accelerator.
Kick Procrastination and Doubt
Author Accelerator is an online program that gives writers some of the benefits of working with a book coach, without the hefty price tag. It was designed specifically to combat procrastination and doubt. You get weekly video lessons, daily emails that count down to your submission day, a submission deadline where you can submit up to ten pages of your book, and personalized, professional feedback from an editor trained by Jennie Nash.
Readers of Write It Sideways are invited to try the program free for a week—which includes one free submission day. Click on the ad above to learn about Author Accelerator and sign up for the free trial.