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How Self-Limiting Beliefs Are Stopping You From Writing Your Novel…and What To Do About Them

woman sitting on cliff overlooking mountains during daytime

Today’s post is written by Lisa Fellinger.

According to a recent survey, over 80 percent of the 2000 people surveyed said they’d like to write a novel someday, but less than 1 percent of Americans have finished and published a book. That’s a huge discrepancy!

What’s causing people who dream of writing a book to not follow through? In my work as a book coach, I’ve heard from many writers who have long dreamed of writing a book but are struggling to make that happen. And while everyone’s situation is a bit different, the reasons my clients have struggled with this almost always comes down to self-limiting beliefs.

Self-limiting beliefs are beliefs we hold about ourselves or how the world works that limit our ability to be successful. Self-limiting beliefs can look like telling ourselves “I’m not smart enough” or “I don’t have the time.” Self-limiting beliefs are often so ingrained in our thinking that we don’t even notice them, which is what makes them so powerful at stopping us from reaching goals, such as writing a book.

As a book coach with a background in mental health counseling, I work with my clients to not only teach them the mechanics of how to write a story that works but to also address those self-limiting beliefs that have been holding them back from committing to writing their stories. After all, you could be an incredibly talented writer, but if you can’t get out of your own way to actually get the story down, you’ll never finish a manuscript.

While many of us hold self-limiting beliefs, the good news is that once we’re made aware of them, we can work to overcome them. And once we overcome them, we’re free to pursue our goals, including writing a novel.

Where Do Self-Limiting Beliefs Come From?

Self-limiting beliefs can develop from multiple experiences, but some of the most common ways these form include:

Common Self-Limiting Beliefs in Writers

While any number of self-limiting beliefs can affect writers and prevent them from starting and/or finishing writing their stories, some of the common ones include:

Overcoming Self-Limiting Beliefs

Clearly, self-limiting beliefs have the ability to derail our dream of writing a novel. But since these beliefs are held in our own minds, that means the only thing standing between us and our dream of writing a novel is us. And that means it’s fully within our control to change.

Overcoming self-limiting beliefs isn’t easy, but it’s absolutely worth the effort. Here are some steps you can take to work on overcoming these beliefs:

Self-limiting beliefs can wreak havoc on your dreams of writing a novel, but the good news is that since they exist in your own mind, you have full control over changing them. While not easy, it’s worth making the effort to identify your self-limiting beliefs and work to overcome them so you can move forward with your goals and finally write the novel you’ve been dreaming of writing.

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