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Seeking Writers & Editors for Literary Journal

Today’s article is written by Suzannah Windsor Freeman, founding editor.

I have some exciting news to share with you today, about something I’ve been working on for quite a while.

Over the past year, Write It Sideways has evolved from a personal blog to a group blog, and now includes a team of experienced writers. A further plan for expansion includes establishing a digital literary journal, which will be connected to Write It Sideways, but which will also stand on its own.

After consultation with a group of trusted writers-friends, the title is:

The plan is to publish a new digital issue biannually. In the coming months, a separate website will be available at, and I intend to bring on a team of editors to help make the journal the best it can be.

Regular features will include:

• short fiction
• poetry
• creative nonfiction
• articles and essays about writing
• interviews with authors and literary agents

(Keep reading to learn how you can be part of the journal, either by submitting a piece of your writing, or by expressing your interest in an editorial position.)

Several published authors plan to contribute to the inaugural issue.

I don’t want to name names until all the pieces are confirmed, but I can say that this group includes an author who has written close to 20 novels, one of which was made into a well-known film; a writing instructor and author of several books about writing; the author of a recently released writing book you’ve probably heard about; a very popular debut author and blogger; and a soon-to-be published memoirist.

To give you an idea of the calibre of work I’m expecting, I can name one of the contributors. Author Jennie Nash is an instructor in the UCLA Extension Writers’ Program, and has published six (soon to be seven!) books. She’s contributing an interesting piece about beta-testing your novel with a book club.


There are thousands of literary journals out there. Why should you consider submitting your work to Compose?

  1. Write It Sideways gets 12,000 to 16,000 unique visitors, and around 30,000 hits per month. We also have a large newsletter list, and well over 5000 followers on social media. Most digital journals are fairly small in terms of their regular traffic, but right away, Compose has the advantage of a built-in audience.
  2. For emerging writers, this is a great opportunity to see your work alongside pieces written by established authors.
  3. A lot of lit journals start blogs, but I don’t know of any writing blogs that have started their own lit journals. (If you do, please let me know!)

Fiction and Poetry Submissions

If you’re interested in being part of this exciting project, please read the following information carefully.

Interviews, articles and creative nonfiction for the inaugural issue are being solicited through personal invitation, only.

However, you are invited to submit literary or mainstream writing in the following categories:

Although genres such as fantasy, sci-fi or horror may be invited for future themed issues, please submit literary/mainstream pieces only, this time around.

Simultaneous submissions are accepted, but please notify me immediately if your work is accepted elsewhere. Only the best pieces submitted will be chosen for publication, so send only your most polished work.

Here’s how to submit:

  1. Write your very brief cover letter (contact details, title, word count, prior publications, etc.) directly in an email.
  2. Copy and paste your fiction or poetry submission directly into the email…
  3. AND attach a copy of your submission in .doc format. Ensure your name and details appear on the manuscript.
  4. In the email subject line, write “Compose—Fiction Submission” or “Compose—Poetry Submission”.
  5. Send submissions to suzannah [at] writeitsideways [dot] com. (Please note, this is a temporary submission address.)

The deadline for submissions is Nov. 30, 2012.

Editors: Expressions of Interest

Please note: All the editorial positions have been filled. 

Want to be considered for an editing position at Compose? Read on.

At the moment, I’m accepting expressions of interest. Once I’ve learned a little more about those who are interested, I’ll choose the top candidates for a more formal application process.

The team will include the following:

General Responsibilities



You must:

All positions are volunteer, but may be paid in the future. Geographical location isn’t an issue; all responsibilities may be carried out online.

To express your interest, send an email to suzannah [at] writeitsideways [dot] com with the following information:

Thank you so much for taking the time to read through this enormous (and possibly overwhelming) amount of information. I’m very excited to see this project’s successful launch.

Who knows where it might take us?

Head over to now, and enter your email to be notified when the journal becomes available.

(*Please note that all editorial positions are now filled, and we will begin accepting submissions again when our website is live!)

Download guidelines in PDF format, below:

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