The long-awaited 2010 is here. What kind of a year will this be for your writing?
Will it be the year you finally write that short story you’ve been thinking about? The year you get around to submitting those magazine articles you’ve been working on? The year you get stuck into the novel you’ve been intending to write for the last decade?
What kind of year will this be?
You decide.
The most important thing you’ll write this year is a list of goals. Or, if you’re like me, one very specific goal.
My Writing Goal for 2010
Recently, I gave birth to my second child. While I’m ecstatic to be a new mom again, I’ll admit the lack of sleep does nothing for my productivity.
It may be a new year, but now wouldn’t be the best time for me to rattle off a big list of goals I want to achieve. It’s important for me to be realistic about:
- what’s possible
- what’s important
- what I really want to do
And so, instead of writing a standard list of New Year’s resolutions, I’m going to commit to only one goal over the next 12 months.
I’m going to finish my novel. Finish it, as in make it sparkle.
I’m not committing to getting an agent or finding a publisher for this piece at the moment. I want to focus on one–just one–important writing goal this year.
This is, of course, in addition to all the personal mommy-goals I have, like finding the most efficient way to change a diaper or learning how to adjust the infant car seat.
Goal Setting Guidelines
A few things to keep in mind about your goals during the process:
- Write them down and keep a copy where you can see it every day
- Don’t commit to anything you don’t truly believe you can accomplish
- Keep them to a minimum
- Make sure your expectations are realistic
- Don’t give up when you fail temporarily
What Are Your Writing Goals?
Do you have one or two specific writing resolutions for the months ahead, or do you have a whole list?
What goals are you adamant about sticking to this year?
Did you achieve your resolutions from last year?