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The Top 5 Free eBooks for Fiction Writers

For several months, I’ve been amassing a list of free eBooks for writers.

There are a ton of free eBooks out there, but not all of them are relevant to writers of fiction. Juiced on Writing has a great list of 36 downloadable books you can see here.

A couple of small problems I’ve encountered in compiling this list are that (1) sometimes eBooks are offered free for a limited time only, and (2) when people give up on their blogs and the domain eventually expires, the free resources disappear with them.

I was hoping to add Nail Your Novel by Roz Morris to this list, because a while back I downloaded it free and have loved it ever since. However, there is now a small fee to purchase this book in paperback format (I still highly recommend it).

So, I urge you to download any of the following books you’re interested in as soon as possible, because you just never know if they’ll still be available the next time you check.

Here are what I believe to be the five best free eBooks for fiction writers:

70 Solutions to Common Writing Mistakes

Bob Mayer

Written by a New York Times best-selling author, this is a very readable book on common fiction writing mistakes and how to fix them.  You’ll cringe when you see your own writing in the examples.

Download it here

The Career Novelist: A Literary Agent Offers Strategies and Success

Donald Maass

Over 250 pages of quality advice from a seasoned literary agent. “The Career Novelist” was actually a print book published in 1996, so it’s slightly outdated, but still worth reading.

Download it here

Ask a Literary Agent (Year One)

Noah Lukeman

This is a compilation of all the reader questions asked of literary agent Noah Lukeman during his first year of blogging. A lot of FAQs about the agent process are answered here.

Download it here

How to Write a Great Query Letter

Noah Lukeman

Everything you ever wanted to know about how to write a query letter—free! Do you think Lukeman decided to offer this to aspiring authors because he was tired of reading poorly written queries?

Download it here

The Marshall Plan Fiction Makeover

Evan Marshall

Marshall’s eBook offers 52 tips on how to improve your novel, and uses great examples to back them up.

Download it here

What free eBooks do you have to add to the list? Please share them in the comments below.

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