Your Nanowrimo experience will be much richer if you study a copy of Larry Brooks’ masterful Story Structure Demystified before you begin. Check out my review of Story Structure Demystified.
November 1st.
NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) begins.
If you’re in Australia (like me), it’s 8:00 am on the 1st. However, for most of you it’s still late afternoon or early evening on Oct. 31st. Which means I have an opportunity to catch you all just before you start pulling out your hair.
A few weeks, ago I wrote an article called How to Write a Novel in 30 Days, prompting you to decide whether you’d be competing in NaNoWriMo.
Because some of you are probably wild with anticipation, I thought I’d send out a checklist of last-minute preparations you’ll want to consider before you start writing.
NaNoWriMo Last Minute Checklist
- Have you officially registered?
- Are you familiar with all the rules?
- Do you have outline notes on key elements of your story?
- If you don’t outline, do you have a premise, your main characters, and at least some notion of where you want to go?
- Have you completed any necessary research?
- Have you set up a comfortable area in which to work?
- Do you have written evidence of your writing goals for the next 30 days?
- Have you briefed others in your house about what you’re doing?
- Do you have an accountability partner?
- If you plan to get a real book out of this experience, have you prepared yourself for several months of manuscript makeover?
- Have you located important resources for your journey (books, helpful websites, writing articles, support forums?
- Are you stocked with notebooks, pencils, pens, etc. and is your computer free of glitches?
- Have you prepared a selection of things that inspire you (CD’s of favourite music, photographs, novels, etc.)
I hope this list is helpful to you.
Here are some other sites offering information on NaNoWriMo you might want to check out.
NaNoWriMo Resources
- The Official NaNoWriMo Website: Rules, FAQ’s, all kinds of resources
- Scrivener: NaNoWriMo Special Trial Edition 2009: Get a special deal on the Scrivener writing program
- Follow NaNoWriMo on Twitter: Get updates about what’s going on as they happen
- NaNoWriMo Progress Forums at Hal Spacejock Series: A PDF download progress chart and some great productivity tips
Helpful Articles from Write It Sideways
- The Top 12 Benefits of Outlining Your Novel: Why should you bother with outlining? Here are 12 ways it can help you write your novel.
- Avoid These Lazy Mistakes in Your Writing: Avoid making these mistakes during NaNoWriMo, and save time editing later.
- 5 Ways to Unleash Your Writer’s Voice Today: Discover your unique writing voice. Stand out in a crowd.
- How to Write with Rhythm that Sings: Learn to write with rhythm before you begin. Make your entry outstanding.
- What Not to Name Your Characters: Would a rose by any other name smell as sweet?
- Novel Writing Tips from a 7-Year-Old Genius: Even a 7-year-old understands the basics of good storytelling!
- 8 Nasty Writing Habits You Should Quit: There’s no room for these nasty habits during NaNoWriMo.
- How to Discover Your Characters’ Motivations: Have you considered why your characters are doing what they’re doing?
Other Writing Blogs I Follow (for fiction advice):
All the best, and keep us posted on how you’re making out (or not making out) with the competition.
Exciting, we are already a day into it! The Hal Spacejock tips are pretty good, thanks!
Hey Kristoffer,
Hope you're holding up okay with the writing. Yeah, I thought the Hal Spacejock tips were great too. Good luck in the coming weeks!